Monday, October 11, 2010


A good rummage sale, walking distance from my house, on a fall morning is pretty much my favorite form of thrift.  The Man Who Lives In My House took the Larger Hooligan to his soccer game, leaving me with the Smaller Hooligan, coffee, and craigslist. Smaller Hooligan was initially reluctant to leave his mound of legos.   I had to lure him with the possibility of donuts.  The local Episcopalians came through with donuts and treasure.  I love these people.  Here's what I found:

A digger truck ($1) for Senor Cupcake (My Nephew), who was coming to visit later that day)
A fleet of little cars (4/$1), also for Senor Cupcake.

A greenish pottery bowl ((50 cents), made by one of the church ladies.

And the Find that made the Smaller Hooligan glad he'd agreed to come:  Vintage old school legos, complete in their original box.  I have a feeling I could re-coup my $5 and then some if I sold these on E-Bay, but that's not how I roll.  Maybe someday, but for now, when I see something re-sale-able, I generally leave it for the e-bay sellers.  I only buy stuff we will actually use.  



  1. Hi, I'm visiting from Thrift Share Monday. Those are really great finds, especially the Legos.
